Thursday 10 October 2013

To be a better Manager: Improve your Memory

As an effective manager, you have to be able to think through things, remember decisions you take with reasonable accuracy and clarity. Our brains get clogged with too many things and in this information age, we have an information overload. The phone calls, sms, twitter, facebook, email, television, home affairs, reports at work, meetings and of course social events like clubbing or even “nyimbe” in our Ugandan context. How do you maintain a clear mind and improve your memory. Here are a few things;
1.   Exercise
Exercise relaxes the body removing fatigue and all excesses in the body. When you exercise you;
·         Avoid obesity, your blood flows well through your brains
·         Improve your heart performance
·         Improve your recall faculties
How to exercise?
·         A brisk walk is a good start
·         Yoga is perfect
·         Don’t force, Rome was not built in one day
2.   Get enough sleep
7-8 hours are recommended. Minimum is 5 hours.
Take a nap during the day. While sleeping, the brain records recently acquired information well. The solution to stress is sleep. Body needs to rest.
3.   Eat well
You can never over eat fruits! Surprisingly a bit of fat is good for the brain, but eat healthy food especially dark green vegetables. Chicken and chips taste so good but should be a one off meal.
4.   Write it down
Record what you want to remember. It helps you remember. Have a small book with a to-do list of note things you discuss. This is powerful.
5.   Say it loud
If you want to remember something, say it loud. Don’t let people mistake you for a mad person speaking to yourself. Be tactful.
6.   Check out natural scenery
View of the lake, especially sunrise or sunset
Look at the mountain
7.   Teach others
Share what you know. When you tell others, a story forms in your brain. You remember it more.
8.   Listen to music

Create serenity. Serenity from music when played along with something you are putting to memory makes you to associate that matter to the music. It makes you improve your recall faculties.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Prof.

    Am re-posting this on my blog for benefit of my readers there. I'll share a link here when done.
